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Upgrade Facebook Ads Customer Feedback Score | CFS Solutions

How does facebook figure facebook ads’ customer feedback scores?

Facebook sends some surveys to customers to know Facebook ads’ customer feedback score. To calculate their experience with ads on the platform. Surveys cover three areas.

1- The quality of products

2- Products speed to shipping

3- Service provided to customer

An overall score of 1 to 5 is then assigned to a business, where 1 indicates negative experiences and 5 indicates an exceptional one.

How to see facebook ads’ customer feedback score on facebook?

1 -First, click on Business Manager.

2- Click on account quality, and then go to business accounts on the left side menu.

3- choose your page to see your Facebook page feedback score

Why is the Facebook ad's customer feedback score important?

The outcome of your ad account is examined from the client feedback score. A low score usually indicates a disconnect between the offering (commercial) and the buying experience (delivery time, product quality, after-sales experience, etc.). If your business has a low score, Facebook will punish you with the hopes that you will try to improve the client experience.

To know more information for Facebook ads customer feedback scores, visit our website CFS solutions.

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